A Zero Emission State

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Storm Research Labs. have create an unique ionization process that permit to reduce still now the exhaust emission of any kind of engines (gasoline, diesel & kerosene) 2 to 3 times down from normal, by reducing of the usage the unique materials applications and processing and servicing the combustion’s engines at cars/vehicles any kind, power-generators, ships and aeroplanes...

Offer the Project

Technology transfer to the a Malaysian state Melaka , by supply the ionizer-equipment, servicing processing and technology to ionize the fuels at the gas stations. And upto 2020 get transferred and install the climate control system to reduce the environmental temperature up to day-temp. 20 to 25°C ( ~68°F to max. 77°F ) .

Some results of the Technology applies from the years 2007 till today in Melaka

Reportedly the application of the ionization technique in the Melaka, was done in a pre-study period from 2007 till today and the engines recovery technology for engines was documented at follow facts - experiences for the last 4 years: - the RESULT OF PowerCoding =

        - The photos :

The energy / fuel that we use  in a car is spending as follow, - so only the 50% reducing the exhaust will contribute to the environment dramatically :


What the project offering and how it working:

How it works:

If to starts with the "Recovery process" at the last 100K km, you are risky that your engine still gone and the recovery is the only chance to restore the engine’s performance. But better to starts with the "Recover" at the beginning, — at that situation the engine is protected against any kinds of surprises during the whole engine’s lifespan. The "Recovered" engine is an engine with build–up a new super-hard Diamond–like surface, that reinstall the Nikasil properties but is much more harder and have 100 times less friction coefficient that the Nikasil. The new layer reinstall ALL the properties of the brand new engine, like: compression, vibration less, power and smoothness. ( Nikasil - is, what the now stand of technique,...)

The offered concept is to recover / protect the layer of Nikasil from wear or restore it to the “original” size (dickness), which provide the enormous CO-saving !

Stage 2 of the project is the climate change in Melaka area :

Cooler Climate Melaka

Cooler Fresher Melaka is a synergy project between international research institutes, STORM’s Research and few other German industries. It addresses the problem of heat and environmental pollution as anthropogenic effects, which causes increasing health and wellness, energy saving and social costs in urban areas. Enhancing the quality of life in Melaka in spite of the tropical climate and high-density urban living in a sustainable manner is our, STORM's research’s purpose. Without compromising individual freedom of energy use or traveling, advised policy making needs a much deeper understanding about the nature of heat and energy consumption with CO- output.

Starting on a large scale in terms of climate change special attention is here dedicated to buildings and traffic as major contributors to the CO-/CO2 pollution problem. Underestimating the human influence through local energy consumption disabled the latest research on the urban climate to develop appropriate means to mitigate the effect, which opens the door for the fundamental new approach of Cooler Climate Melaka. In collaboration with industrial partners from German market, we offer basic knowledge on cause and consequence, as well as sophisticated implementation tools and police guidelines for making Melakean climate cooler, cleaner and more livable place on Earth.

The Cooler Climate Melaka project will be unprecedented and huge in that it proposes a bottom-up analysis/design scenario approach, which can be extrapolated for the entire island of Melaka. It will provide hard facts by measurements and theory development how temperature and air contamination are influenced by local parameters (traffic, transportation and air conditioning). Improving the existing urban climate with knowledge on local phenomena enables the consecutive simulation design cycle, which evaluates global factors like zoning on the master plan level or Melaka’s energy strategy.

The ultimate goal of the Cooler Calmer Melaka project is to provide CO-pollution urban solutions that could (i) reduce the temperature in the built-up areas of Melaka, (ii) reduce the level of CO- output on and surrounding all streets and (iii) influence positively secondary effects, like health & livability, energy consumption and the related costs. The project is therefore crucial in view of the plans to increase the population and the density of Melaka in the coming two decades, while climate change might raise background temperature levels. STORM’s providing an unique solution that’s pay itself by energy saving and attracting more tourists for visiting Melaka, as well make the Melakean business more attractive for global investors.

Plan for Realization
in 3 stages

    To ionize the fuels at the source of fuel at the gas stations,
    Reduce the smoke up to 10-15%
    Total investment volume :                                         MYR 4 Billion
  2. Engines Recovery and PowerCoding :
    During one year to cover all engines running in Melaka
    Reduce the carbon-food print up to 30-50% -
    HOW TO
    Total investment :                                                MYR 3’8 Bill.
  3. Building the Scientific Environment & Climate :
    Over the most visited and major cooling consumption area,
    like Melaka Raya and the new builded island,
    Building at the upcoming 2 to 3 years,
    which reduce the emission up to 80-90%
    Total investment                                                MYR 50 Bill.